Gas Pump Redesign.
Rethinking the conventional gas pump design for an EV filled world.

Project Disciplines: Industrial Design | UX Research | UI Design

Type: Personal Project

Year: 2022

Project brief:
I set out to redesign the conventional gas pump design into one that eases the transition to a world rapidly adopting electric vehicles on the road. I reapproached the traditional user interface to make for a more intuitive and accessible process. The product should be optimized for high-volume, high-efficiency environment.

Building a top down coding network.

Using ATLAS.ti, a qualitative data analysis software, I identified significant interaction points of the gas pump experience and compared my results to a colleague to identify common positive and negative experiences.

Identified Focus Groups

General Interaction: feel of facilities, smell, initial visceral reaction

Pin Pad: inputting zip code and unsanitary crevices

Fuel Type Button: gas type selection from three choices

Display Interaction: reading and following prompted statements

Nozzle Interaction: manipulating and aligning gas hose

Vehicle Interaction: flow of steps involving the car during fill up

Payment Interaction: procedures of paying broken down

Aesthetic choices: visual experience and how it pertains to usability

Concept Development.

I developed personas to establish the project direction before ideating on the pump design.